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THIS SUNDAY: Blessing of the Backpacks

A new school and program year are about to start! (Theo & Milo actually already started school this week! Can you believe it?)


My deepest prayer is that this year God will help us better understand the world around us and encourage us to be humble servants in our work, school, and at home.


So, I'm inviting kids, teachers, parents, and, well everyone to bring a backpack, school bag, laptop, water bottle, or any other items that represents your school or work for a special blessing during worship this Sunday, August 25!


Help us celebrate our students both young and old (I think I might be one of the older ones) as we praise our God who loves when we learn!


See you on Sunday!

Vicar Alysa






We’ve decided to cancel our Wednesday, July 31 S’more Fun gathering.


Our final S’More Fun gathering of the summer will take place on August 21 at 6:30 p.m. Please plan to enjoy spiritual formation and s’mores with us then!

We also welcome and encourage you to join us this Sunday evening starting at 4:30 p.m. for Dinner Church. We will welcome soloist Cassie Mikat and enjoy a meal and worship together.

Work Camp Sign Up!

Holy Trinity is once again hosting a summer series work camp that will take place this August! We are thrilled to revive this church tradition and look forward to visiting some of our community partners and missions within our synod.


In the past, work camps have been primarily a function for our youth — this year we’re inviting everyone available to participate in this week of service projects in our community. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 13 through Thursday, August 15 and plan to experience mission and ministry out in the world with us! Below are a few details of what to expect during Work Camp Week. *Note: Each day includes a grab-and-go breakfast at Holy Trinity prior to traveling to our location for the day, however start times vary throughout the week.* Please be mindful of the start time each day. Please use this link to sign up to join us at Work Camp. You can elect which days you prefer to serve. You can not obligated to attend every day of work camp.


Tuesday, August 13 • 8:30 a.m.-noon

Serving Lunches at NOAH inside Central United Methodist Church in Detroit


Wednesday, August 14 • 9:30 a.m.

Samaritas Family Center Family Picnic in Westland


Thursday, August 15 • 8:30 a.m.-noon

Working in the Micah 6 Community Garden in Pontiac