Today is Ash Wednesday.
In the life of the church, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and we mark that beginning with the imposition of Ashes. The imposition of ashes reminds us of our finitude and mortality. Lent is traditionally a season of meditation, repentance, and penitence as we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming devastation of the crucifixion on Good Friday as well as the joy of the resurrection on Easter morning.
Drive Thru Ashes will be available on the Circle Drive in front of church from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Ash Wednesday worship with the imposition of ashes, communion, and special music will take place in the sanctuary at 7 p.m.
Click here to access the live stream.
Click here to download the worship bulletin.
Blessed Lent,
Vicar Alysa